Wednesday, January 29, 2025

1945 Cash 8 stamp affixed private card (Palai Central Bank) from Ponkunnam to Cragnanore.

1945 Cash 8 (surcharged on 6 Cash) stamp affixed private card (Palai Central Bank) from Ponkunnam to Cragnanore (Kodungallur).


Sunday, January 26, 2025

Day digit missing.. manuscript instead.... Changnacherry to Kottayam..1895

1895 One Chuckram envelope from Changnacherry (Thi-48) to Kottayam.

Day (4) of '24' missing and filled up in writing at the delivery location of Kottayam by the Anchal Master.

Posted from Changnacherry (23/11/70..23/Mithunam/70...July 6/1895) to Kottayam (24/11/70).

Digit '4' of 24 missing and manuscripted in vernacular numerical (Malayalam) by Anchal Master of Kottayam. 

Addressed to Reverend Father Bernard, Prior General, Kottayam.


Digit '0' of 70 slightly raised.

Friday, January 24, 2025

1895 Thrikariyoor (manuscript markings), Muvattupuzha, Kottayam and then to Vaikom

1895 One Chuckram envelope posted at Thrikariyoor Anchal Pillar box with the pen inscriptions, was transferred to the nearest Anchal office @ Muvattupuzha, and then transported via Kottayam to Vaikom....Scarce.

 Manuscript inscriptions 

'തൃക്കറിയൂർ ബാകം (ഭാഗം)

Thrikariyoor Bakam 71-11-28' (manuscript markings..28-11-1071).

Thrikariyoor..June 11, 1895. Muvattupuzha..June 11.

Kottayam..June 12.

Vycome..June 13.


Thrikariyoor Anchal office opened in 1888 and closed in 1890..and then reopened in 1902. Thi-15 (T-15) was allotted to Thrikariyoor.

This envelope is in 1895 (1071) no Anchal office at Thrikariyoor... hence manuscript markings by the Anchal runner.


'തൃക്കറിയൂർ ബാകം 

Thrikariyoor Bakam 71-11-28' (manuscript markings..28-11-1071).

This envelope which is posted in Anchal box installed there at Thrikariyoor, is taken to the nearest post office at Muvattupuzha. 

Thi-41 (തി -41) Muvattupuzha.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Travancore limited edition ഇരട്ട (double) Chuckrams

Travancore ഇരട്ട (double) chuckrams .. Less than 10 coins known to exist of each.

1) Rani Gouri Lakshmi Bai (1810-'15) period issued 2 Chuckram coin..... 0.74grams & 9mm. 

Also known as ഇരട്ട (double) chuckram, with English & Malayalam '2' in legend. 

Probably issued in 1810 soon after the coronation, and also to favour the new Dewan, Colonel John Munroe, who is also the British Resident of Travancore and Cochin states.

2) Swathi Thirunal (1829-'46) period issued Chuckram 2..Silver coin....0.74grams & 9mm. 

A Gold version was also issued (seen in the book of Dr Joseph Thomas), probably for ritual or presentation purpose.

Photos of the Gold version are taken from Joseph Thomas book ...'Legends of Travancore, a Numismatic Heritage'.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

One Chuckram 1889 envelope...'Ribbon' cut variety of Die 1

An interesting find in Die 1 specimen of Travancore ONE CHUCKRAM envelopes, is the 'ribbon cut' variety. Seen only in envelope Knife (K-1 & K-2).

 These ribbon cut varieties are found in the first laid paper issues of 1889 envelopes (Die Type 1) with no embossed legends. Scarce.

RIBBON CUT  (right ear of the conch) variety.

Die 1a¹.. Ribbon (broken right ear of the Conch shell) slightly tilted to the left).

Die 1a¹.. Ribbon (broken right ear of the Conch shell) cut.

Deschl catalogue..Envelope Knife..K 1.

Close up image of the indicium.

Deschl catalogue..Envelope Knife..K 2.

Close up image of the indicium.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Formula cards of Travancore

Formula cards are those cards which are devoid of price and not sold over the counter.
Mainly used by government institutions.

The 1902 Service blue card is catalogue by Peter Wells (S-1) & Edward Deschl (OC-2) inadvertently as a postal stationary, under the  Official Postal Cards.

Blue tinted.. 1902 Service formula card (with no denomination / value.....inter departmental usage).

1906 Paravur to Ettumannor.

(The above card is from the collection of Dr Mohan, Trichur).

Travancore 1932 Service (Formula) card, primarily used by the Savings Bank of Anchal department, Travancore.....Udayamperoor to Udayamperoor.

The 1902 blue formula card was later reissued (1922) with '5 C' surcharged in red, and sold over the counter. But less than 5 are know to exist.

Travancore 1921 official card.....actually 1902 formula card (with no denomination / value.....inter departmental usage) surcharged (reddish violet / red) with 5 C ( 5 Cash). Card...bluish tint in colour. Very Scarce.

A used copy of this stationary card is yet to be seen.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

T.R.A.S. (Travancore Railway Anchal Service) different types


It was P.G.Wells and Dr N S Mooss, who laid the track for the cancellations regarding travel of mail through train.

6 different types with sub varieties .....from 1907 to 1949. 

Few postmarks are not recorded by Dr. N.S. Mooss in his book 'The Travancore Anchal'. 

Though there was a description of the first TRAS cancel (S1 & S2) in his article by Dr N S Mooss in 'India Post' (No.47, Vol.10, Pg.10), it was  wrongly mentioned regarding the usage of the Malayalam month (in the 3rd line..month 'MED' was seen instead of number) within the TRAS cds, perhaps due to the unclear cancellations at his end, as mentioned by Dr Mooss in his article (shown in the page bottom).

For the record, bottom cancel does not exist, as wrongly stated by Dr N.S. Mooss.

First Travancore railway cancel.

The first Travancore railway service was started in 1904 June 1st, from Quilon to Punalur, and extended services to Shencotta (Travancore) on 1904 November 26. And further extension of rail services from Quilon to Trivandrum were started on 1918 January 1st.

The earliest known mail carried with Set/Sort/Shift Number (S 2) was shown here (1907). The mail vans of Travancore Anchal were connected to the outgoing trains to Madras from Quilon, and were detached at Shencotta, and then reconnected to the incoming trains arriving from Madras. All mails carried were cancelled with 'T.R.A.S./IN' (incoming mails) or 'T.R.A.S./OUT' (outgoing mails).

This was the earliest rail route.... Quilon to Shencotta.

Rail stations between Quilon and Shencotta..

Out this Quilon, Punalur & Shencotta are the major stations.

Set numbers, for the British India Railway Mail system, were used to distinguish between groups of sorters working on a shift system. It is an usual procedure for the British India railway station office....and Travancore seems to follow the British system.

In 1907, Indian Rail Mail services were divided into 4 circles, and each circle in charge of an Inspector-General of Railway Mail Services & Sorting. 

In 1909, a reorganisation of the Anchal Transit Agency with revised rules of its operations were promulgated,  with 15 new transit stations in the state of Travancore. 

The Southern Circle was decommissioned in 1918, probably with the extension of rail services from Quilon to Trivandrum in 1918. 

The S 2 (set/sort) number denotes the shift system of the sorting clerks, inside the office/train.

In Travancore, Set or Mail Sorters (S 1 & S 2) markings, exists only for a shorter period, as from the evidence in hand...whereas T.R.A.S. 'IN & OUT' cancels were in use, till the end. 

What follows are the different types of railway cancel, i have come to notice.


1907...posted to Quilon.
'T.R.A.S.  IN' (inbound train to Quilon)...28mm.


1909...from Punalur via Quilon to Attungal.
'T.R.A.S.  IN' (inbound train to Quilon)..28mm. 

TYPE 2..shown below.

1923...from Chirayankeezhu to Changnacherry.
'T.R.A.S.' close to the central crossbar.
'T.R.A.S.  OUT' (outbound train from Trivandrum)..34mm

This type of franking did not last long as this was the year of the Great flood of '99'  ('തൊണ്ണൂറ്റി ഒമ്പതിലെ വെള്ളപ്പൊക്കം')..1924.

TYPE 3...shown above.

1924...from Varkala to Trivandrum.
T.R.A.S.' close to the upper circle.
'T.R.A.S.  IN' (inbound train to Trivandrum)...34mm.

This type of franking did not last long as this was the year of the Great flood of '99'  ('തൊണ്ണൂറ്റി ഒമ്പതിലെ വെള്ളപ്പൊക്കം')..1924.


1935...from Quilon via Alwaye to Cochin. 
'T.R.A.S.  OUT' (outbound train from Quilon)...28mm 

TYPE 5... shown above.

1938...from Quilon to Kottayam.
'T.R.A.S.  OUT' (outbound train from Quilon)...33mm 

Type 5a..
(shown below). 

1939...from Quilon to Quilon.
'T.R.A.S.  IN' (inbound train to Quilon)..32mm

Type 5b..(shown middle above).

Thick 'S' of T.R.A.S. 
1940...from Aryankavu to Trivandrum.
'T.R.A.S.  IN' (inbound train to Trivandrum)..31mm.

Type 5c..(shown above).

Thick TRAS..short tail to 'R'.
1941..posted to Kottayam.
'T.R.A.S.  OUT' (outbound train from Trivandrum)...30.5mm

TYPE 5d..shown below.

1941..Quilon to Quilon.
 'T.R.A.S.  OUT' (outbound train from Quilon)..31.5mm

TYPE 6 ..shown above (Same as Type 5). 

But small font and a small curve to tail of 'R'.
1941..Quilon to Trichur.
'T.R.A.S.  OUT' (outbound train from Quilon)..31mm.

TYPE 6 a.

Short tail to 'R'. Inverted 'S' of TRAS. 
1943...Trivandrum to Trichur.
'T.R.A.S.  OUT' (inbound train to Quilon)..30mm

 Further availability of the specimens might throw out few more in the future.

Piravaka cancellations of Travancore.. QUILON, ALLEPPEY, KOTTAYAM & CHANGNACHERRY.

  4 Anchal offices with the name 'Piravaka' attached to the town name.  1) Quilon. 2) Alleppey..3) Kottayam. 4) Changnacherry.  Vari...